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“Aside from politics I think one of our most pressing issues is climate change… so in my masters, I did take a sustainability specialization to learn about the ropes and the ins and outs about how I can as a young leader in politics make some sort of change… of course, it is not very easy and it is an uphill battle but it is something that I will continue to work on and continue to inspire others to follow me in this pursuit of really influencing our leaders in climate change.”
"So many people don't take vacations and are so committed to their life, their job and their career, and their identity... and sometimes escapism is the only way you can put physical distance in between those things that we are obsessed with,"
“A lot of young people don’t understand the power of getting out of your comfort zone… I tell people a lot that you’re not going to achieve much once you’re in your own bubble… life’s greatest moments are one step away from your comfort zone, and it’s just all about taking the initiative,”
“With every year and every project, I learn more and more about what I’m capable of and where I want to take my career… I didn’t know I wanted to write my own music until a few years ago… but my dreams and my goals keep evolving and I love that about this industry and field… it’s been a lot of ups and downs and self-discovery, but I feel like now I’m super grounded and I’m in a place where I can focus on doing what I want and not just what I feel like I’m supposed to do.”
"If you're 20, 30, 40 it doesn't matter... you're not going to be successful at age 20, 30 or these preset notions of what success looks like... whatever position you're in, you are in that position... don't get bogged down by things you can't control,"
“I don’t regret anything… some things maybe I miss my parents, maybe I wish I spent more time with them, stuff like that… but otherwise whatever journey I went through, what I went through in life… If I didn’t go through that, I wouldn’t be sitting here talking right now,”
"Real Estate is one of those businesses where there could be a week, or two weeks, or even a month that you don't make money... but you have to grind it out, you have to stay focused, because if you stay focused and do things on a regular basis, I promise you, you are gonna be successful."
“I’m not a people pleaser, I never started this journey for fans or followers… I’m just fortunate I have that, and I’m honestly very, very grateful as well for that because I paint because I’m passionate about it, what has come with it with all these wonderful people that are following my artwork is just a sense of my fortune, and I’m very happy and I have a lot of gratitude for it,”
It also feels really assuring and reaffirming that the vision I had in mind was just not like a delusional vision; it was something I saw many years ago and I dared to dream... I was that person in my household to say why can't we be the one in a million... and to have it come into fruition, it's beautiful,"
"I think my parents really supported as well... they knew what I was interested in, and they pushed me in that direction, especially my father... I really am fortunate that my parents supported me in this field, and it's all I've been doing my whole life,"
“I have to say, it’s not like I say no, I have to have a message in every film… some films have not had messages… but some films have had a message and have been entertaining and then they become timeless and become remembered… so I have connected with all of them,”
“What does every comic joke about? Their own life… so everything that people see in my comedy whether it’s on my social media, the comedy special, or now my podcast, whatever they see, it’s all real; nothing orchestrated about it… sometimes the truth is so much stranger than fiction that I have to dial it down,”
“The main thing about chronicon is that it really is a declaration that we deserve to be celebrated and deserve to live full lives even while our bodies are going through what they are going through,”
“This needs to be an established way of thinking in the west that the Middle East is not a place where pain and suffering are normal; people feel the same pain, the same suffering, and because of the propaganda in the west of how the Middle East is portrayed as an abstract region of pain and suffering where it’s okay for these people to go through this because they have been going through this for a long time… and that mentality needs to change,”
“Honestly it’s just understanding that we are all people at the end of the day right? People find different avenues of success, receive different levels of success… and just staying calm cool and collected is very important because obviously people of that status like Drake, Cardi B, or anyone of that stature… we’re all people at the end of the day,”
“So if we can move to more of the space of being in tune with our body, being in our feminine is being in our body, being in present with our body, becoming embodied - is also really relying on our intuition, our inner wisdom, trusting and knowing, getting out of our logical mind and coming into our bodies, so we can come from that information source that’s within the body,”
"I think one of the errors comedians sometimes make is finding their audience before their voice; funny is funny to everyone, and the open mics have a very mixed audience... you never want to end up in a place where you've been doing comedy for seven years and then up in a room of people where it makes you nervous because it's not the kind of room that you're used to.. I think build your voice, know who you are, and then when you show up on stage that's when you start bulding your audience,"
“It is going to be interesting to see where we find fulfillment and purpose because that’s so much often the case with the job you have… I’d be curious to see how using our creative processes can push the creative boundaries of what the human experience is and can be, because we no longer have these shackles on us… if we have more time to endeavour and explore down these paths, that allows for some incredible excitement too,”
“I think every experience that you have good or bad is still good experience, whether it is a failure or success because you see what works, and what doesn’t, and you don’t know what skillsets you pick up here and there that you can utilize later on in life… so I think there’s no such thing as wasted time… it’s just time invested into yourself,”
"It's the little things that we can contribute - beyond that, the least we can do is extend kindness and empathy because I can't imagine going to another country where I don't speak the language at the age of 18 with my entire family's hopes and dreams on my shoulders,"
“Being vulnerable as a leader is so important in making your team feel comfortable – providing feedback and feeling like they can be vulnerable as well and come to you if they have needs that might not be addressed in your workplace; I think as you have people start to feel like they matter, that their opinions matter, their feedback matters, that their voice matters within the organization, you really start to get the best out of them.”
“It’s awesome to talk about something that you’re going through and have anybody from different backgrounds laughing at the same thing; we all have times where we have done something stupid, but we all come together and everyone’s laughing at the same thing,”
“I think the biggest issue when it comes to diversity is that it is very easy to push back on it by saying oh, the company just wants to get brownie points with this community – even if that’s the case so be it. Give the platform to these people to shine, and let our community shine just like anybody else did in the past,”
“That really put it in perspective to me that it didn’t matter how much money I had made – even if I was the richest guy, I could not make my son walk again. It was kind of a turning point in my life, as it made me realize that life changes at split of a second; it doesn’t matter how successful you are, you need to something that is meaningful not only for yourself, but for the people around you,”
“I think for many years feminism has gotten the bad PR and kind of stigma that it’s very anti-men and it’s very anti-everything, and I think what happens when the pendulum goes too negative at one point will come back at center, where women are equal to men – nobody needs to be above or below, nobody needs to fight anyone, it’s about a world where men respect women and women respect men equally,”
“A lot of time optimism gets a bad rep, as if you’re delusional, or got your head in the sand and all you think about is all the happy and shiny things… Meaningful optimism is looking around and saying, I know hard this is… and I know things aren’t okay right now, but I believe things are gonna work out.”
“Being Muslim, so much of our lives are dictated by our faith because it very much is a faith that impacts so much of your life - of course stories will have influence from the religion, but we wanna make sure that people who are not Muslim still feel comfortable attending because at the end of the day, if we’re not able to have those conversations, build those bridges and show these stories to people who may not otherwise be exposed to them, then we’re not combating those misconceptions and we’re not creating those new opportunities of understanding between the Muslim and non-Muslim community,”
“The outpouring of people who not only want to work for Avvy not only as what we call a technician health-care professional, thousands and thousands of people have already downloaded the app, thousands of calls already done through the application… a great phenomenon happened where we’ve integrated into employer programs as well, where employers want their employees to have Avvy as part of a health-care privilege and benefit that they have to offer their employees,”
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